Historical Marker

Henry Watterson (1840-1921)

Historical marker location:
Louisville, Kentucky
( 525 W. Broadway, Louisville)

Born in Washington, D.C., son of a Congressman and editor, Watterson gained wide newspaper experience. He succeeded Prentice as the editor of Louisville Journal, which merged with W. N. Haldeman's Courier and the recently acquired Democrat, 1868. For most of "Marse Henry's" 51-year tenure, the Courier-Journal was at Fourth and Liberty. It attained prominence under Watterson.

Journalist-Politician - Watterson was a major force in Democratic Party. He enlisted in the Confederate Army, but believed in Union; was foe of sectionalism and often blasted it in writings. He opposed prohibition and League of Nations. His style influenced three generations; editorials hailing U.S. declaration of war earned him a Pulitzer Prize, 1917. He retired to "Mansfield" in Jeffersontown, 1919.